Html Web Gallery Creator 1.2 اقدملكم برنامج يقوم بعمل البوم صور لموقعك الخاص
Html Web Gallery Creator 1.2
برنامج يقوم بعمل البوم صور لموقعك الخاص بحيث يمكنك عرض الصور بشكل مصغر للضغط عليها وروؤيتها بحجمها الطبيعي
كذلك تستطيع وضع ازرار التنقل بين الصور مثل التالي والسابق
ويتعامل البرنامج مع صيغ البرمجه لصفحات الويب
PHP / CGI / ASP / Java والمزيد من اللغات الاخرى
Key features:
Free to try
Reading and writing to JPEG and BMP files. Writing to .PNG files (for thumbnails) is supported
Creating friendly.HTML galleries. No need of using PHP / CGI / ASP / Java etc.
High-quality resizing
Creating multi-page galleries for faster loading
Organization of your photos in project files, so gallery configuration aren't lost when you quit the program
Creating thumbnails with the fadeout effect, combined with transparent .PNGs and your custom background can produce very nice results
Creating thumbnails for the galleries with beautiful bmouse rollover effects
Creating a .ZIP file with all images from the gallery
Supprots Exif metadata in images. It is preserved in the output images and used for some cool things like:
* Determining image orientation
* Determining image capture date, which could be used to put images in chronological order
* Generating an Exif stats page, with image settings like shutter speed, aperture, ISO speed and focal length